398 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.
Got a question or need to make a change to an event, email: changes@gamemasterspgh.com
Dragonlance-Adventures in Ergoth
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA 5th edition Dragonlance game exploring events in the War of the Lance beyond the occurrences in the novels.
Blades in the Dark (Leah)
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBlades in the Dark biweekly game, organized on the Game Masters discord server.
Writers in Pittsburgh – NoNoMo Write-In
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin your fellow writers for some inspiration, caffeination, procrastination and some word sprints!
Board Game Night
Weekly, re-occurring board gaming on every Tuesday
[D&D5e] | Saltmarsh
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesRobert’s Saltmarsh game, D&D 5e
I Have the High Ground | Demo | With the Game Developer (Jess)!
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesLet’s face it: dueling is sexy But do you know what’s sexier than combat? The slower, higher tension duel that occurs before any damage is done—before any blow is […]
Blood on the Clocktower
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA regularly occurring event for players in Blood on the Clocktower Discord: https://discord.gg/pCBuYpFCqH (#botc-general and #botc-scheduling) Please feel free to drop in and see if there are open slots! […]
Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu
We play Delta Green and Call of Cthulhu on alternating weeks. Sometimes we throw in one-shots and short campaigns of other games (mostly horror). Our current campaigns are: Call of […]
Magic: the Gathering | [Commander]
A game of Magic the Gathering with Commander format being played.
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesIn this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is […]
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.