398 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.
Got a question or need to make a change to an event, email: changes@gamemasterspgh.com
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesIn this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is […]
Savage Worlds
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesSavage Worlds with a rotating setting.
Pathfinder 1st Edition Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA weekly campaign loosely following Paizo's first published adventure path, a campaign that spans six books from levels 1-18. A moderate amount of homebrew content is periodically introduced, tested, and […]
Miscellaneous Adventures
A long-running campaign of various RPG systems and storytellers but mostly Paul.
Lorcana League
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesDisney Lorcana League! Check out the Discord for the week to determine the format or style to be played Trading Card Games #lorcana-general #lorcana-events
Path of the Shattered Weaver: Dubious Tales of Inadvisable Journeys
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United States"Path of the Shattered Weaver” is a Dungeons and Dragons game specifically for women who want to play D&D (5e), or learn the game in a welcoming and supportive environment. […]
The Heroes of Iridias
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA Private D&D Campaign
Friday Night Pathfinder!
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesRegular Pathfinder Society 2nd Edition Scenarios. I will also add Starfinder to the schedule if there's interest!
KeyForge | Weekly Play
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesKeyForge Weekly Play Entry: $5 to store Format: Please bring tokens if you have them -- if not we will try to have extras on hand for anyone!
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table […]
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.