398 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.
Got a question or need to make a change to an event, email: changes@gamemasterspgh.com
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
0 events,
1 event,
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Join us every Monday for a weekly play at 6 PM of Star Wars Unlimited! Check out the Discord on #starwars-unltd-general for any weekly changes!
0 events,
1 event,
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
In this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is the perfect way to gather friends and enjoy the social aspect of the game. So grab your deck, hone your tactics, and prepare for the […]
1 event,
Lorcana League
Lorcana League
Disney Lorcana League! Check out the Discord for the week to determine the format or style to be played Trading Card Games #lorcana-general #lorcana-events
2 events,
KeyForge | Weekly Play
KeyForge | Weekly Play
KeyForge Weekly Play Entry: $5 to store Format: Please bring tokens if you have them -- if not we will try to have extras on hand for anyone!
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table fee. https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/booster-draft What is Booster Draft? Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards […]
2 events,
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Come join in before the weekly tournament for casual play, trading, conversation, or to help get you started with learning the rules to start your very own Pokémon collection. This is completely free event to attend!
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Every Saturday afternoon at 3PM, come play in a constructed deck tournament! Come in early for some free play. Join: $15 entry fee, each person additionally receives a participation pack of Pokémon cards. Prizes: You will receive one additional Pokemon card pack for every win in the tournament, which lasts three rounds. Format: Constructed Deck, […]
1 event,
Net Runner | District Championship Tournment
Net Runner | District Championship Tournment
Registration: 9:30AM Start: 10AM Cost: $20 This will be a standard regional tier tournament. Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal MWL: Standard Ban List 24.12 Format: standard https://alwaysberunning.net/tournaments/4617/pittsburgh-district-championship You can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here: https://nullsignal.games/organizers/organized-play-policies/
1 event,
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Join us every Monday for a weekly play at 6 PM of Star Wars Unlimited! Check out the Discord on #starwars-unltd-general for any weekly changes!
0 events,
1 event,
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
In this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is the perfect way to gather friends and enjoy the social aspect of the game. So grab your deck, hone your tactics, and prepare for the […]
1 event,
Lorcana League
Lorcana League
Disney Lorcana League! Check out the Discord for the week to determine the format or style to be played Trading Card Games #lorcana-general #lorcana-events
1 event,
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table fee. https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/booster-draft What is Booster Draft? Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards […]
1 event,
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Come join in before the weekly tournament for casual play, trading, conversation, or to help get you started with learning the rules to start your very own Pokémon collection. This is completely free event to attend!
0 events,
1 event,
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Join us every Monday for a weekly play at 6 PM of Star Wars Unlimited! Check out the Discord on #starwars-unltd-general for any weekly changes!
0 events,
1 event,
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
In this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is the perfect way to gather friends and enjoy the social aspect of the game. So grab your deck, hone your tactics, and prepare for the […]
1 event,
Lorcana League
Lorcana League
Disney Lorcana League! Check out the Discord for the week to determine the format or style to be played Trading Card Games #lorcana-general #lorcana-events
2 events,
KeyForge | Weekly Play
KeyForge | Weekly Play
KeyForge Weekly Play Entry: $5 to store Format: Please bring tokens if you have them -- if not we will try to have extras on hand for anyone!
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table fee. https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/booster-draft What is Booster Draft? Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards […]
2 events,
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Come join in before the weekly tournament for casual play, trading, conversation, or to help get you started with learning the rules to start your very own Pokémon collection. This is completely free event to attend!
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Every Saturday afternoon at 3PM, come play in a constructed deck tournament! Come in early for some free play. Join: $15 entry fee, each person additionally receives a participation pack of Pokémon cards. Prizes: You will receive one additional Pokemon card pack for every win in the tournament, which lasts three rounds. Format: Constructed Deck, […]
0 events,
1 event,
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Join us every Monday for a weekly play at 6 PM of Star Wars Unlimited! Check out the Discord on #starwars-unltd-general for any weekly changes!
0 events,
1 event,
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
In this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is the perfect way to gather friends and enjoy the social aspect of the game. So grab your deck, hone your tactics, and prepare for the […]
1 event,
Lorcana League
Lorcana League
Disney Lorcana League! Check out the Discord for the week to determine the format or style to be played Trading Card Games #lorcana-general #lorcana-events
2 events,
KeyForge | Weekly Play
KeyForge | Weekly Play
KeyForge Weekly Play Entry: $5 to store Format: Please bring tokens if you have them -- if not we will try to have extras on hand for anyone!
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table fee. https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/booster-draft What is Booster Draft? Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards […]
1 event,
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Come join in before the weekly tournament for casual play, trading, conversation, or to help get you started with learning the rules to start your very own Pokémon collection. This is completely free event to attend!
0 events,
1 event,
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Join us every Monday for a weekly play at 6 PM of Star Wars Unlimited! Check out the Discord on #starwars-unltd-general for any weekly changes!
0 events,
1 event,
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
Flesh and Blood | [Ultimate Pit Fight]
In this casual multiplayer format, all Flesh and Blood cards are fair game as you battle your way to victory. With politics, alliances, and backstabbing encouraged, Ultimate Pit Fight is the perfect way to gather friends and enjoy the social aspect of the game. So grab your deck, hone your tactics, and prepare for the […]
1 event,
Lorcana League
Lorcana League
Disney Lorcana League! Check out the Discord for the week to determine the format or style to be played Trading Card Games #lorcana-general #lorcana-events
1 event,
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table fee. https://magic.wizards.com/en/formats/booster-draft What is Booster Draft? Want a way to play that offers a level playing field and lets you check out new cards […]
3 events,
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Come join in before the weekly tournament for casual play, trading, conversation, or to help get you started with learning the rules to start your very own Pokémon collection. This is completely free event to attend!
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Every Saturday afternoon at 3PM, come play in a constructed deck tournament! Come in early for some free play. Join: $15 entry fee, each person additionally receives a participation pack of Pokémon cards. Prizes: You will receive one additional Pokemon card pack for every win in the tournament, which lasts three rounds. Format: Constructed Deck, […]
Pokémon | TCG – Post Rotation Workshop
Pokémon | TCG – Post Rotation Workshop
Start Time: 1:00pm Rotation for the Standard Format is fast approaching! April 11th to be exact. Cards with the regular "F" mark will no longer legal for Standard Tournaments. This event will focus deck building and on preparing your deck for the new format.
0 events,
1 event,
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] | Weekly Play
Join us every Monday for a weekly play at 6 PM of Star Wars Unlimited! Check out the Discord on #starwars-unltd-general for any weekly changes!

Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.