398 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.
Got a question or need to make a change to an event, email: changes@gamemasterspgh.com
Quartania 3 Legend of the Loremasters
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesOngoing Dungeons and Dragons 5e game. We are an LGBT friendly group, and both of our groups Game Masters strive to create a fun and welcoming environment for all players.
Shattered World DND 5E
DND 5E Homebrewed campaign
Thunder of the Storm Lord
D & D 5th edition game for kids to teenagers
Murders at Karlov Manor – Prerelease [3 – Round Sealed]
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesCost: $35 Register for the Event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1sRwBvZwwCDLD3o2MrfjnIJL3OspIdESDBo1l9FJ_Rxk7Jg/viewform Contact us at +1 412 367 4414 or join our Discord for more information. Murder! Mystery! Magic! A string of alarming murders streaks across the plane of Ravnica, and your players will step into the shoes of Ravnica's greatest detectives to track the clues and crack the case. […]
Murders at Karlov Manor – Prerelease [3 – Round Sealed]
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesCost: $35 Register for the Event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1sRwBvZwwCDLD3o2MrfjnIJL3OspIdESDBo1l9FJ_Rxk7Jg/viewform Contact us at +1 412 367 4414 or join our Discord for more information. Murder! Mystery! Magic! A string of alarming murders streaks across the plane of Ravnica, and your players will step into the shoes of Ravnica's greatest detectives to track the clues and crack the case. […]
Murders at Karlov Manor – Prerelease [2 Headed Giant]
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesCost: $35 Register for the Event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1sRwBvZwwCDLD3o2MrfjnIJL3OspIdESDBo1l9FJ_Rxk7Jg/viewform Contact us at +1 412 367 4414 or join our Discord for more information. Murder! Mystery! Magic! A string of alarming murders streaks across the plane of Ravnica, and your players will step into the shoes of Ravnica's greatest detectives to track the clues and crack the case. […]
Dungeons and Dragons
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA closed game with some friends.
Cyberpunk Red
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA group playing Cyberpunk Red. Pretty self explanatory.
BFF intro
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBFF meetup
Star Wars Unlimited [TCG] Game Demo & Learn to Play
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us for an exciting demo of the new Star Wars Unlimited card game! Whether you are a seasoned trading card game player or new to the genre, this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to play and experience the thrill of the Star Wars universe in a new way. Everyone will come together […]
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.