398 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.
Got a question or need to make a change to an event, email: changes@gamemasterspgh.com
Pokémon | [Open Play]
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesCome join in before the weekly tournament for casual play, trading, conversation, or to help get you started with learning the rules to start your very own Pokémon collection. This is completely free event to attend!
Saturday All-Day Board Gaming
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesEvery week for all day board games!
Cyberpunk RED
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United States1st and 3rd Saturday from 1pm-4pm with rotating GM's. Group currently full but join our Discord channel to chat and get on the waiting list. More info contact: joshuamckay2003@gmail.com or Discord name: pope6362 The 4th Corporate War’s over and the big dogs have retreated to their corners to lick their wounds. That leaves everyone else […]
Pokémon | [Constructed] | Tournament
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesEvery Saturday afternoon at 3PM, come play in a constructed deck tournament! Come in early for some free play. Join: $15 entry fee, each person additionally receives a participation pack of Pokémon cards. Prizes: You will receive one additional Pokemon card pack for every win in the tournament, which lasts three rounds. Format: Constructed Deck, […]
Magic: the Gathering | [Two Headed Giant]
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesFirst Saturday of the Month, Two Headed Giant meetup for Magic: the Gathering.
Net Runner | District Championship Tournment
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesRegistration: 9:30AM Start: 10AM Cost: $20 This will be a standard regional tier tournament. Legal cardpool up to: Rebellion Without Rehearsal MWL: Standard Ban List 24.12 Format: standard https://alwaysberunning.net/tournaments/4617/pittsburgh-district-championship You can find Null Signal Games organized play policies here: https://nullsignal.games/organizers/organized-play-policies/
Blades in the Dark
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBlades in the Dark biweekly game, organized on the Game Masters discord server.
Board Game Night
Weekly, re-occurring board gaming on every Tuesday
[D&D5e] | Saltmarsh
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesRobert’s Saltmarsh game, D&D 5e
Blood on the Clocktower
Game Masters 398 Perry Hwy, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA regularly occurring event for players in Blood on the Clocktower Discord: https://discord.gg/pCBuYpFCqH (#botc-general and #botc-scheduling) Please feel free to drop in and see if there are open slots! No sign up necessary. Blood On the Clocktower Website In the quiet village of Ravenswood Bluff, a demon walks amongst you... During a hellish thunderstorm, […]
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.