398 Perry Highway
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
4 events found.
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.
Got a question or need to make a change to an event, email: changes@gamemasterspgh.com
The Heroes of Iridias
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, PittsburghA Private D&D Campaign
Pathfinder Society
Friday Night Pathfinder!
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, PittsburghRegular Pathfinder Society 2nd Edition Scenarios. I will also add Starfinder to the schedule if there's interest!
KeyForge | Weekly Play
Regular Table 398 Perry Hwy, PittsburghKeyForge Weekly Play Entry: $5 to store Format: Please bring tokens if you have them -- if not we will try to have extras on hand for anyone!
Magic: the Gathering
Magic: the Gathering | [Booster Draft]
Come join to join our regular Friday Night Magic, a sanctioned booster draft. Note, that the fee for this event is $22, which includes the boosters and the regular table […]
Please remember there is a $5 per person table space fee.